Home / School Agreement 2023 - 2024



The school will do its best to:


  • be open and welcoming at all times;  

  • listen and respond quickly to any concerns you or your child may have; 

  • provide a safe, caring environment for your child to learn in;

  • maintain a balanced curriculum which meets the individual needs of your child; 

  • set, mark and monitor homework as appropriate for the child’s age and provide reading books which are monitored and reviewed.  

  • share the progress your child is making at Samlesbury Primary School regularly throughout the year;

  • arrange opportunities for formal consultations (Parents Evenings), informal progress meetings if required and times to discuss concerns or issues parents and children may have; 

  • promote high standards of work and behaviour, and provide clear guidelines for pupils and parents; 

  • ensure your child is given every opportunity to achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community; 

  • keep parents informed about school activities and events through regular newsletters, termly curriculum overviews, email messaging, the school webpage, ClassDojo and social media web pages; 

  • provide an incentive for parents to register, if eligible for Free School meals, to trigger additional funding that supports all children in the school. 


I will :


  • be positive and work hard; 

  • always come to school, get here on time and have everything I need to work hard; 

  • wear the correct uniform; 

  • do all my work and ask for help if I need it; 

  • be polite, kind and helpful to others; 

  • take care of the school; 

  • tell a member of staff if I am worried or upset; 

  • follow the school rules. 


I will:


  • ensure that my child comes to school on time, properly dressed and properly equipped; 

  • inform the school about concerns that you have that is affecting your child’s work/ behaviour/self-esteem/well-being; 

  • support the school in its policies and procedures as fully as possible; 

  • support my child with his/her homework and home learning opportunities and ensure my child completes his/her homework on time; 

  • attend all parents’ evenings and discussions about your child’s progress and reschedule if unable to attend; 

  • support the school with any disciplinary sanctions; 

  • support my child in responding positively to the general expectations and regulations of the school; 

  • maintain an active interest in all aspects of your child’s life at Samlesbury; 

  • register my details promptly, if they meet the criteria, to trigger additional funding for the school. 


Our Governing Body will carry out their legal responsibilities to the school and ensure that:

  • ensure that my child comes to school on time, properly dressed and properly equipped; 

  • the school strives to give the best education for every pupil;

  • funding received by the school will be used efficiently to support learning;

  • school policies provide care and safety for every pupil;

  • Governors will visit the school regularly and make it a priority to raise academic standards in the school;

  • Governors will meet regularly to carry out their duties.