Pupil Premium Funding - including Catch Up Funding plan

The pupil premium is an amount of extra resources the government provide to support children from less privileged backgrounds. We have a relatively small amount of Pupil Premium funding at Samlesbury.

Further information about Pupil Premium: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/pupil-premium-information-for-schools-and-alternative-provision-settings

Pupil Premium including Catch Up Funding Plan

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Pupil Premium Spending 2017/2018: £8520

Funding this year has been used to:

  • Provide additional Learning Coach support for interventions both academic, pastoral and well being
  • Provide Learning Coach time to support pupils’ additional emotional needs
  • Ensure residential trips were accessible to all pupils
  • Fund additional sports coaching, music tuition or wrap around care where
  • Fund milk/toast


  • Learning Coach support ensured continued access to the curriculum both in terms of academic support for those who needed extra support and those pupils who needed additional challenge and to widen learning.
  • Emotional health and well being of pupils is of a high priority and all pupils feel they have a voice and their concerns are listened to and acted on appropriately – this ensures our pupils are confident and able to express their thoughts and ideas.
  • Continued progress of pupil premium children in core subjects

Pupil Premium Spending 2016/2017

Due to the difference that this funding has made in the past, we will continue to focus on many of the same areas. The funding will be used to:

  • Pay for extended learning opportunities for individual children
  • Pay for personalised special activities for example trips out of school
  • Pay for additional support in school in the form of one to one support/ small group support/ emotional support.

In addition to this, we intend to:

  • Establish nurture / support groups to support an develop confidence in children

The impact of the Pupil Premium Grant will be monitored throughout the year, reported to the Standards and Effectiveness Governor Committee as well as the Chair of Governors/ Full Governing Body.

Pupil Premium Spending 2015/2016: £7920

Last year we used the Pupil Premium to support individual children in a range of different ways. We used the money to support a child to engage in extended learning opportunities after school; we set up a special trip out of school for an individual child alongside some friends and we also used the money to provide additional support for children in school (in the form of one-to-one support and small group support by teaching assistants).


  • Children have been more settled in school
  • Children have been given the opportunity to experience more extended learning opportunities in a range of activities
  • All children who have been allocated pupil premium funding have made at least expected progress
  • Many more individual successes for individual children