· Live as a light to others

· Live to do good

· Live to love God

It is based on Matthew 5:14-16 - “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.’ 

Ethos & Values Statement

Our Christian vision, based on the example of Jesus Christ, is at the heart of everything we do. Through example and teaching, our children are encouraged to develop to their fullest potential; to search for meaning and purpose in life within a caring Christian environment; to grow spiritually through daily collective worship and prayer, to develop an awareness of God and to make a personal response of their own.

We also teach and encourage our children to care for all of God’s creation as an expression of practical Christian faith, showing a concern and responsibility for their homes, communities and the wider world.

We believe that each one of us has the ability to achieve our highest potential, living and learning in the fulness of God.

School Values

Our school has 18 Christian values, which incorporate the British values, which are deeply embedded in all which we do in school. These 18 values sit under the over-arching values of LOVE & GRACE and are explored on a half-termly basis over a three-year cycle. The three main values branching from LOVE & GRACE are: Trust, Forgiveness and Hope which form our CORE values themes for each year. We will always explore our core value at the start of a new academic year before moving on to explore one of the remaining 5 values each half-term, as shown by the following diagram, through the daily worship and prayer time and as part of our daily life in school.


2022/2023: TRUST, truthfulness, perseverance, compassion, service, responsibility

2023/2024: FORGIVENESS, reverence and respect,  justice, humility, wisdom, peace    

2024/2025: HOPE, creativity, thankfulness, friendship, generosity, courage


We strive to teach each of these values in a variety of ways to make it relevant to the lives of the children and as memorable as possible. This would be through worship, Bible stories, exploring the lives of people who have lived out the value, prayer time, class work etc.

The values underpin the school’s behaviour policy and all areas of school life. Our reward system is also linked to the values and children’s achievements are celebrated through these values too.