Samlesbury School takes it’s commitment to equal opportunities very seriously. Because of the nature and make up of the school there are three areas where we particularly focus our attention, and monitor our effectiveness at ensuring all groups do well at school.

These are children with special needs, children with free school meals, and the relative progress of boys and girls.

Available here is the data concerning the progress of boys and girls in school. As far as the data helps us we seem to do well at ensuring boys progress is as well as girls. With such small numbers we must be very careful with graphs and tables, tiny samples tell us very little. However we keep a watchful eye on trends over time, and we would certainly take action to address any anomalies that were to be thrown up if we were to perceive a noticeable trend.

With such small numbers we do not share data concerning children with special educational needs or those on free school meals. Such data would render individual children easily identifiable, and we do not feel that would be fair.

We have no recorded instances of bullying, although children have a propensity to fall out from time to time. We are aware that, in schools, bullying sometimes goes on below a teacher’s radar and we are vigilant. If bullying were to occur, and we are not complacent, however successful we have been with dealing with it in the past, we would challenge it rigorously. We can’t always promise to stamp it out immediately, but we certainly can promise that our efforts to stop bullying would be relentless and of a high priority.

Our objectives for this year are:

  1. To ensure that children in our target groups of boys, children with SEN and children on FSM make the progress they are capable of, and if they have fallen behind, catch up.
  2. To continue to be vigilant concerning bullying and ensure our children are happy and safe, or as happy as the requirement of having to get up and go to school each day can allow. (We are proud to say that this is usually pretty happy, on balance).

Equality Documents

Updated: 28/07/2021 372 KB
Updated: 01/02/2022 296 KB