This continues to be one of our priorities.   As in any other area of life, children and young people are vulnerable and may expose themselves to danger - knowingly or unknowingly - when using the Internet and other digital technologies. We teach children and remind them at the beginning of each school year that not everyone online is who they say they are and we educate about keeping safe and share examples of online vulnerability.

It is something we cannot ignore and the school is aware that despite being more proactive in educating children about the possible dangers, children don’t believe it can happen to them; their young minds don’t always see the dangers and pitfalls.

Whilst incidents reported to us about online abuse have so far taken place outside of the school day, it does, of course, affect the children when they come into school.    It is all about ‘Being Aware’ so that together we can teach children how to make positive choices and informed decisions; they can then protect themselves from such things as cyberbullying and sexual exploitation when online in the home. The links below will take you to a range of resources to help support you keeping your child(ren) as safe as they can be on line.


Online Safety Parent Guides

Updated: 29/11/2022 1.99 MB
Updated: 28/04/2022 2.75 MB

  Parent & Carer Toolkit




  Internet Safety Day



Whether you’re unsure about what happens online or are up to speed with new technology, it’s important that you talk to your child about staying safe. The NSPCC web-site which has supported us within school also offers lots of advice and tools that you can use to keep your child safe whenever they go online.


​The NSPCC have recently produced a new guide which features what children do online, the threat of online strangers and how to ensure a healthy balance between Internet use, your children’s online privacy, digital security, and more on online safety to mention. Click on the link below to find out more. 
