Welcome to Years 5 & 6

Class Teachers:

Miss Gill

Mrs Sutton (PPA cover)

Other Adults:

Miss Parker is our amazing teaching assistant who works with us each day.


Important Information:

PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, so children should wear their PE uniform to school on these days.

Reading Records will be checked each day and children will be rewarded with Dojo points for reading. Remember, once a book has been finished, your child can complete AR tests at home as well as in school. Click on the logo at the bottom of this page for our school login page.

Spelling tests are on Friday mornings and children can use Spelling Shed to see and practise their weekly spelling lists. Login details are in the front of children's reading records or below.

You can access Purple Mash, Accelerated Reader and Spelling Shed from home - login details are in the front of reading records and below.



Our topics for each term are below and to find out more information about what these topics include, you can take a look at our Curriculum Overview or read our Curriculum News.

Autumn 2023 - The Good, the Bad and the Debatable?

Class readers: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens & Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer


Spring 2024 - Around the world in 80 (ish) days...

Class readers: Cogheart by Peter Bunzl & The Girl of Ink and Stars by kiran Milwood Hargrave


Summer 2024 - Location, Location, Location!

Class readers: The 1,000 Year Old Boy by Ross Welford & Wonder by R. J. Palacio


And finally...

If you have any queries or questions at any stage, please email Miss Gill; use Class Dojo messaging or get in touch via the school office.


Purple Mash Home - Richard Carroll Elementary