At Samlesbury there are 4 committees that meet at least 3 times a year in each of the 3 terms:

SEC - Standards, Effectiveness and Curriculum. The primary function of the  Standards, Effectiveness and Curriculum Committee is to review the school improvement plan, review standards and examine what strategies are in place to raise standards as well as to look at Safeguarding issues.

Resources - This covers Buildings, Resources, Finance & Staffing. The primary function of the Resources Committee is to approve and review the school budget, maintain the school premises and ensure that standards and monitoring are in place to provide effective safety in school. It looks at the effective use of all the resources in school as well as anything related to Health and Safety. 

Ethos - This Committee is responsible for the Vision and Values of the school and for ensuring its Christian character and distinctiveness. It's other responsibilities include pupils' personal development, behaviour and welfare, and spiritual, social, moral and cultural development  

Other Committees

Pay committee - this meets annually

Other Committees meet as required.