For more in depth information regarding school's remote learning policy please read the full policy which can be found HERE.
If a child has to self isolate individually, then they can participate in the day's lessons via Zoom with a mixture of live and independent learning tasks. If a whole class bubble has to isolate then all pupils would be taught remotely; again with a mix of live lessons, recorded video and independent learning tasks. Teaching staff would be available through the day to support your child's learning at home. The expectation is that pupils would submit work from home via either Purple Mash, Tapestry or email so that feedback can be given. Infant children will have a minimum of 3 hours learning per day and Key Stage 2 at least 4.
If families at home need support with accessing devices for learning at home or data needs then they should contact the school office.
Our remote learning strategy sets out a clear timetable, with high quality teaching and feedback which maintains children's connection to school and each other. If you have any questions about our remote learning policy, please do contact school.