Pied Piper
This week in Y3/4 the children have been listening to, reading and discussing fairy tales. They made puppets and rehearsed in groups to retell the story of ‘The Pied Piper’. They gave each other positive and constructive feedback and focused on being respectful to others. The shows were fantastic…

Good vibrations
Year 3/4 had fun this afternoon amplifying sound using plastic cups and string. They made a string telephone to explore how sounds travel over a distance. Some of them asked ‘what if’ questions and discovered the answers for themselves.
Y3/4 Field Trip to Avenham Park
The Year 3/4 children had a fabulous morning at Avenham Park this week. They collected data through sketching, questioning and recording information on a tally chart. They worked hard to gather all the information they needed and showed our Christian value 'responsibility' throughout the morning.…

How can we clean our dirty water?
As it’s Science Week, Y3/4 will be having extra science lessons this week. Today, we have been investigating the process of cleaning water and why clean water is so important to people.
Whole School Indoor Athletics Day
The whole school took part in an indoor athletics competition today. The Y3/4 children worked together as a team with other members of their class in races in order to improve their understanding of a relay race. They worked hard and remembered our Christian values supporting each other to try…
To see a situation from a character’s perspective.
Year 3/4 were getting into character this week by hot seating different people in our book ‘The Witches’. They prepared questions for each character, then took it in turns to pretend to be that character and answer the questions. Their answers were fantastic and they really started to understand…

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Year 3/4 have been having so much fun this week creating Christmas decorations for our classroom. We have been learning about accuracy and precision and the importance of creativity during this busy time of year.

Lostock Hall - Dodgeball Competition
We are so proud of our Y3/4 Dodgeball Team. They took part in the South Ribble Dodgeball Cluster Competition this week and came first! They worked hard during PE lessons to learn all the rules and played well in all their sets and worked well as a team.

Thinking about Truthfulness
This week, Y3/4 worked hard at home to create their ‘Truthfulness Trees’, linked to our Christian value this half term. We are so impressed with their imagination and creativity. They were asked to make or draw a tree with bare branches, then add leaves with words or phrases about what…