28 Jan

Sharing faiths

We are very very lucky to have two experts in our class who are happy to talk to us about the Islam faith and on Friday they brought in some special items to share with the class. Each week as we learn a new Bible story, our experts tell us how it compares to a similar story in the Quran and we…

19 Nov

An Exciting Ethos Meeting!

Christmas came early for Ethos Council today as we had a very exciting parcel to unwrap. It was the Big Frieze by Emma Yarlett and as we unwrapped it, we quickly realised just how big the Big Frieze really is! Once we had unpackaged it our job was to decide where it should go, then we had the…

17 Nov

Building builders!

We love reading so much in our class that we have run out of bookshelves!! Mrs Quayle went shopping at the weekend and bought more shelves but they needed putting together so some children volunteered to stay in at lunchtime today to put them together. We love our new shelves and a massive thank…

17 Nov

Paralympic Sports

As part of anti bullying week we had Andy Akers visit school today to show us some activities that can be played by athletes with disabilities. Then we were able to have a go for ourselves. The sports we played were goalball, boccia and kurling. We had great fun playing the sports and it also…

22 Oct


What a lot of fun we had designing our own model Sukkahs! We had to think really hard about how we could use natural materials and how we could create furniture and decorations. We decided that it must be fun building a real Sukkah and doing it would help you think carefully about the festival of…

14 Oct

Designing Sukkahs

In Years 3 & 4 on Friday 22nd October we'll be designing and making our own model sukkahs as a final task in our RE lessons learning about the Jewish Sukkot. Children have been challenged to find a medium sized cereal /shoe box and some natural materials to decorate their sukkahs. They might also…

17 Sep

Bible Detectives

We have been finding our way around the Bible to see what it has to teach us about Harvest.

Our favourite passage as a class was from Genesis 8:22,

“As long as the earth continues,

There will be planting and harvest.

Cold and hot,

summer and winter,

Day and night

will not…

11 Sep

What's the moral?


Our new school year has got off to a brilliant start and we have gelled together as a class amazingly. Everyone's working super hard and we're having lots of fun at the same time. One of our English topics is fables and so to get to know some of them, we worked in groups to act out some of…

9 Jul

It's Coming Home!

We've had a football-filled day of fun! From creating team posters to creating a collaborative picture, from finding facts about players in the Euros to playing football all afternoon, we've had a great time. After all that, there was only one way to finish the day and that was with a loud class…

7 Jul

Being teenagers!

In PSHE we've been finding out about how our bodies start to change as we get older. Today we thought about how this might make us feel and talked about why teenagers are often described as being grumpy! We had great fun thinking of reasons why parents and teenagers might get upset with one…

14 May

Egyptian Day

Wow! What fantastic Egyptians Years 3 & 4 make! The children looked fantastic and we had a brilliant day exploring all sorts of Egyptian things, from mummifying tomatoes to finding out about hieroglyphics then writing our own cartouches to creating scarab beetles. We've also done more work on the…

23 Apr

Earth Day

On Earth Day we found out about how we could change our lifestyles to help repair the earth and make a difference to reduce climate change. We made model houses and on them wrote an action we could take to make a difference. We found out about renewable energy such as wind turbines, then made our…