7 Oct

Glockenspiel playing

Years 3 and 4 are having great fun with our whole class glockenspiel lessons. We’re learning lots of musical technique and trying really hard. Take a look at our expressions to see how hard we are concentrating!


26 Sep

Infant Author Visit

On Monday afternoon we welcomed local author Rachel Walmsley to the infant class. She shared her newest book with the class and led a workshop focusing on how to create interesting characters which included the children drawing an extra dog character for Spotty the Dog Walker. 
The children had a…

22 Jul

Colour Run

Wow! What an amazing way to end a fantastic year. A massive thank you to FOSS for organising the Colour Run.

We wish you all a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you again in September.


10 Jun

Arts Week

What an amazing two days we've had! We've done so much, including:

  • a tutorial with Liz Pichon to create our own Tom Gates images;
  • exploring artwork by Bob and Roberta Smith;
  • watching AbracadOpera featuring the English National Opera and MC Grammar;
  • writing and performing our own raps…
20 May

Can you guess our talents?

In PSHE we have been finding out about being our best and talked today about our talents as well as recognising talents in other people. We mimed one of our talents for the rest of the class...take a look through our photos...can you guess what we're doing?


18 Mar

Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone for your kind donations towards Red Nose Day 2022. 

7 Mar

World Book Day 2022

Well what a day!

First of all, we arrived in class to discover our chairs had vanished and some sort of metal spirals had been left behind. We had to act as newspaper journalists to try to work out what had happened, including interviewing Mrs Sutton. 

Then we went to the hall where we met…

4 Mar

A massive thank you!

Ethos Council want to say a massive thank-you to everybody who was able to donate to our appeal for Ukrainian refugees, especially the children who have had to leave their homes. We were amazed by how many things were donated in less than 48 hours and want you to know that each and every item…

25 Feb

Loving The Iron Man

We have started a new story called The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and so far we are loving it! We have only read the first chapter but we have done lots of amazing partner work talking about the descriptions, looking for evidence and comparing the opening chapter to a poem. We can't wait to see what…

3 Feb

Game making

Our topic in PSHE this half-term is Valuing Differences. Today's lesson was all about respecting each other's thoughts and ideas. Our challenge was to work in small groups to design a brand new game, making sure we all respected one another by:

  • listening to each other
  • taking it in turns to…
28 Jan

Reading Champions!

It was a huge privilege today to be able to give over 75% of KS2 a reading certificate for achieving 25%, 50% or in some cases 75% of their termly target! We're really impressed with how you're all doing and love hearing all about the latest books you've read. Our photos show just some of those…