This half term in Year 3/4 we have been busy little bees learning lots in our Autumn topic ‘Monsters, Dragons and Invaders’. As part of our English curriculum we have been exploring Narrative Poetry by various poets like Michael Rosen and have had a go at writing our own. We’re poets and we didn’t even know it! We particularly liked the poem ‘The Tale of Custard the Dragon’. We have also spent time finding out about the Loch Ness Monster and have loved writing our very own magazine articles all about it. When we had finished, we typed up our final versions onto Purple Mash and we loved it so much that many of us continued our work at home and shared our articles with our families.In our Science so far, we have become personal trainers and have been learning all about healthy balanced diets and how fascinating the human skeleton is. In other subjects, we’ve created some amazing art work based on Andy Warhol and the Pop Art movement using a variety of media such as paints, ink and felt-tips. We’ve learnt more about the continent of Europe and now have a much better understanding of the location of the countries within Europe and their capital cities. In History we have started to find out about the Anglo-Saxons and why they invaded Britain. Through RE we have learnt about the authority of Jesus and are now looking at the Jewish Shabbat. As you can see, we have had a super busy, but super fun half-term and we haven’t even told you about half of it!