What another fantastic month we’ve had in Years 3 and 4. Our new class reader is 'The Nothing To See Here Hotel' by Steven Butler which we're loving. Folk-tales has been our topic in English and we’ve been investigating different versions of the Suffolk folk-tale all about the Green Children. This week we have been memorising and acting out one version, in preparation for us writing our own folk-tale next week. We’ve also been having lots of fun learning how to rehearse our sentences out loud, using actions and noises for our punctuation!

We’ve been looking at times when it is right to challenge authority in RE and have found out about the fascinating lives of Rosa Parks and Oscar Romero, both of whom stood up for what they thought was right. This has linked beautifully to our half-termly value of Reverence and Respect and we’ve had some incredibly deep and thoughtful conversations in our worships this term about the importance of respecting everybody in our world as equals. We’ve also taken time during Anti-Bullying Week to deepen our respect for each other and created kindness hearts about each of our classmates as well as thinking about our role in standing up against bullying: if we respect everyone then bullying won’t happen.

In History we’ve been learning about how the Anglo-Saxons impacted religion in England – we were fascinated to discover that our names of the week actually come from some of the gods the Anglo-Saxons worshipped. We’ve also been exploring a new Design Technology focus this term and learning about different types of mechanisms. Through this unit of work, we have already made moving dragons using split pin links and will be aiming towards using pneumatics to create a moving Christmas themed project.

In PE we are busy working towards a Lancashire Virtual Gymnastics competition. We have been developing our gymnastic skills such as rolls, jumps and balances over the Autumn term. Now we have to put this into practise and work with a partner to design their own sequence, including incorporating our own creativity and flair. The internal results for these will then be reported to the South Ribble School Sports Partnership to compete against other Lancashire schools. We are very excited to see each other’s performances!