21 Sep


When Reception were exploring our outdoor area this morning, they found something quite surprising hiding in the blue play house - tigers!

They decided to take action and quickly built an enclosure to contain our visitors.

The tigers were very hungry and tried to nibble fingers when the…

20 Jun

Bowland Wild Boar Park

The infants have had the best day at Bowland Wild Boar Park!

We learned lots about animals and their offspring - we were lucky enough to meet lots of adorable baby animals, including chicks and piglets. We went on an exciting wild boar walk, finding out about lots of different animals along the…

9 Jun

Describing Turns with Bee-Bots

Year One have been learning about quarter, half, three quarter and full turns in their Maths lesson! 
They practised following instructions to make the Bee-Bots move, thinking carefully about how to complete each type of turn. 
Next, they gave each other instructions, and showed excellent…

10 May

Marble Run Race

We have an exciting new resource in the Infants - a marble run! 
Reception were very excited to explore and follow the instructions to build it. They worked fabulously together to find the correct pieces and fit it all together. 
They used different coloured marbles starting in different…

18 Apr

What will grow?

This morning, the Reception discovered some small green seedlings growing in shallow mud underneath the trees. 
They were curious about what type of plant they might grow into!
They decided to help the seedlings to grow and thought about what they might need. They collected some plant pots,…

29 Mar

Fantastic Fieldwork

In their Geography lesson this week, the Infants have been thinking about natural habitats and why they are so special.

They carried out some fantastic fieldwork in our school grounds, sampling different areas and collecting data on the number of living things they could see within the…

9 Mar

Forest Puppet Show

The Reception children have been busy in our woodland role play area, telling stories with the animal puppets. 
We have been reading The Gruffalo this week, and they are sure that he is hiding somewhere close! 
The animals are feeling a bit frightened, so they have a campfire and toast…

27 Jan

Wheels and Axles

In DT, the Infants have been learning about wheels and axles! 

We spent time exploring different vehicles and objects that used wheels and axles, looking at how they fit together. We also looked at wheels and axles that did not work properly, and used our problem-solving skills to figure out…

24 Nov

How do different materials feel?

In the Infants we have been exploring how different materials feel and thinking of words to describe them. We worked with a partner, moving around to explore the materials and record adjectives at each station. Our challenge was to make sure the same word was not used more than once to describe…

4 Nov

We're going on a number hunt!

In Reception this week we have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3! 

We decided to go on a number hunt in our outdoor area. 
We looked for numerals on the playground and thought about how we could use objects to represent the numbers. 
It was amazing how many different ways we could find…

19 Oct

Performing Traditional Rhymes

In our English lessons this week, the Infants have been learning traditional rhymes! 
We got into groups and learned different rhymes, creating actions to go with them. 
Next we performed with our groups in front of the rest of the class in our outdoor space. We were so confident and worked…

14 Oct

Can the tallest person jump the furthest?

As part of our Science learning, Year 1 and Year 2 have been developing their working scientifically skills. 
We wanted to find the answer to the question ‘Can the tallest person jump the furthest?’ 
We thought about how we could find out and planned our investigation - in groups, we got into…