25 Nov

Fairy Tale Disaster

In Year 1 and 2 we have been reading the story ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster’. We will be writing our own innovated versions of the story and needed to gather ideas about what the Big Bad Wolf may do if he entered different fairy tales. We worked well in our groups, discussing our ideas and…

17 Nov

The Big Bad Wolf

Reception have been exploring the stories of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. They have particularly enjoyed pretending to be the scary Big Bad Wolf! Some of the children have been making wolf masks in the continuous provision to use in their role play - they worked so hard and…

19 Oct

Family Forest School

What an amazing afternoon we have had for our family forest school!

We were very excited to show our families what we get up to at forest school - we made bird feeders to hang in the trees, built fantastic dens using natural materials and made a bug hotel for all of the creepy crawlies. We…

18 Oct


The Infant class have been magnificent meteorologists this week! We looked at the weather for the previous week and talked about the temperatures and types of weather that had been recorded, then we used this to make our own weather forecast for the week ahead. We thought carefully about how the…

13 Oct

Infant Class Assembly

Today the Infant class held their first ever class assembly - we were so brave and confidently read our lines in front of all of our families and the rest of the school. 

It was exciting to share all of the fabulous things we have been learning this half term, like writing letters to Supertato,…

15 Sep

Baby Poppy's Baptism

The infants celebrated a very special occasion in church today - Baby Poppy was baptised! 

Reverend Karen kindly came in to show us what happens during a baptism. Our Year 2 children acted as the parents and godparents, making promises to help guide Baby Poppy as part of God's family.

What a…

10 Jun

Our Visit to Church

As part of our RE topic this half term. we visited church to identify the different features and think about what makes a church such a special building for Christians. 

We discussed what we could see and were particularly interested in the beautiful stained glass windows - we recognised that…

12 May

Reception's Rumble in the Jungle

Reception have been creating their own actions to the poems in Rumble in the Jungle! Our favourite animal poem was the gorilla, who was very strong. They were very brave and performed their poems in front of the rest of the class - well done, Reception! 

22 Apr

The Lorax

We have been celebrating Earth Day (22nd April) in the Infant Class!

We watched a performance of Dr Seuss's 'The Lorax', streamed from The Old Vic Theatre in London - it was fantastic! It made us think of the importance of looking after the planet and how we can make positive changes to be…

26 Feb

February 2021 Update

It’s been another busy month in the Infants - everyone has worked hard and continued to show a wonderfully positive attitude to learning at school and at home. 

Reception continued their work on traditional tales, predicting what type of plant might grow from a mysterious magical bean and…

29 Jan

January 2021 Update

January has been a very busy month for us in the Infant class, and we've had to adapt to a new way of working with everyone at home!

In English, we have been exploring traditional tales, creating our own stories based on The Elves and the Toymaker. Our Reception children have been super…

19 Jan

Dr Seuss

This month the Infants have been exploring the stories of Dr Seuss! We had a visit from the Cat in the Hat and his Things, and wrote our own stories about what might happen if the Cat came back. In Design Technology we have also been working hard on our glove puppets, based on another Dr Seuss…