7 Jul

Being teenagers!

In PSHE we've been finding out about how our bodies start to change as we get older. Today we thought about how this might make us feel and talked about why teenagers are often described as being grumpy! We had great fun thinking of reasons why parents and teenagers might get upset with one…

17 Jun

Walk Thru the Bible

We made it through thousands of years of Biblical history in chronological order. James came in to help us learn what happened and when it happened (the Bible is not written in chronological order). Over the course of 6 hours, we went from creation Christ’s birth at the beginning of the New…

10 Jun

I’m a survivor: a visit from John the bug guy

Today we had an interesting visit from John (the bug guy). He told us all about different bugs and how they survived, even in the harshest conditions. We learned you can find snails everywhere on the planet; tardigrades (water bears) are indestructible; stick insects are all female and essentially…

10 Jun

Our Visit to Church

As part of our RE topic this half term. we visited church to identify the different features and think about what makes a church such a special building for Christians. 

We discussed what we could see and were particularly interested in the beautiful stained glass windows - we recognised that…

27 May

Class reading experiments—Coke and Mentos

This week we have been reading about experiments in Class. Fascinated and intrigued, we decided to try out the Coke and Mentos experiment. We got a bottle of Diet Coke, as we were advised it was easier to clean up, and some fruit Mentos. It was so much fun (and we got to eat the left over…

25 May

Poetry on a Theme

Year 3/4 have rounded off their poetry unit today by writing poems about animal cruelty. The children have been exploring poems about animals over the past few weeks and became interested in current issues over cruelty towards animals. We read the poem, ‘My Mother Saw a Dancing Bear’ By Charles…

14 May

Egyptian Day

Wow! What fantastic Egyptians Years 3 & 4 make! The children looked fantastic and we had a brilliant day exploring all sorts of Egyptian things, from mummifying tomatoes to finding out about hieroglyphics then writing our own cartouches to creating scarab beetles. We've also done more work on the…

12 May

Exploring Magnets

In Science this term, Year 3/4 have been exploring magnets and learning how a magnetic forces can affects other materials. In the children’s Science session this week we talked about the poles on a magnet and used the scientific vocabulary ‘attract’ and ‘repel’ to explain what was happening during…

12 May

Reception's Rumble in the Jungle

Reception have been creating their own actions to the poems in Rumble in the Jungle! Our favourite animal poem was the gorilla, who was very strong. They were very brave and performed their poems in front of the rest of the class - well done, Reception! 

28 Apr

SCARF visit

Today we had a visit from SCARF. We learned about things we need, not only to survive physically but also to keep us mentally healthy. She told us about the physical effects cigarettes and alcohol can have on our bodies, but we should not feel pressured to use them—it’s our choice—but it is…

27 Apr

Performance Poetry

At the beginning of this week, in our English, the children have started looking at a piece of poetry linked to the theme ‘Animals’. We have been reading a poem based on the musical story ‘Peter and the Wolf’. The children have spent time learning how to perform this poem using lots of expression…

23 Apr

Earth Day

On Earth Day we found out about how we could change our lifestyles to help repair the earth and make a difference to reduce climate change. We made model houses and on them wrote an action we could take to make a difference. We found out about renewable energy such as wind turbines, then made our…