14 Jun

Alston Observatory

The children have had a fantastic morning at Alston Observatory. Amar and Simon, who are PHD and Doctorate students had the class so enthused about space that they used Google Moon as soon as we returned to school.

Amar gave a fantastic presentation about the start of the universe, how stars…

23 May

Magistrates Workshop

The children were visited by three local Magistrates, who came to guide the children through our criminal justice system and what happens in a court room.  They gave a presentation about the work of a Magistrate - the children were shocked that Magistrates do not get paid for their service. This…

17 May

D&T Day - Mayan Masks

To end a fantastic week of academic work and testing (SATs), our class had a great design and technology day creating Mayan Masks. The children researched and sketched their own designs; cut out a card template; stuck this to a balloon and then used Pop Bandages to create a hard plaster cast. Once…

16 May

Year 6 SATs

Well done to all of our wonderful Year 6s. 

They have worked extremely hard in preparation for their SATs. Each and everyone of them has persevered with tricky questions, shown positive attitudes and remained calm under pressure.  We couldn't be prouder of them!

13 Nov

World War I

This half-term Year 5/6 are learning all about World War I, through English, history and art/D&t.

In English they began by writing poems based on These I Have Loved... by Rupert Brooke, a soldier in World War I. The children thought about all the things we take for granted and used this to…

9 Nov

Weekly Update

Last week we were busy practising our times tables and this week we've been learning and developing our written strategies of multiplication. Lots of us have got much faster at our times tables but Mrs Quayle has set us the challenge of knowing them all by Christmas.

In English we've started…