Freestanding structures
We are exploring freestanding structures in our DT topic this half term.
Our challenge this week was to create a bridge that could support the weight of a toy car, using just 8 pieces of A4 paper and sellotape. We had to think about how we could change the shape of the paper, for example by…
A Sense of Place
Braving the cold weather, years 5 and 6 ventured outside with their view-finders to help them sketch settings and patterns around the school’s exterior.

Fossil hunting
Our new history topic is all about Mary Anning. We learned that she was a famous palaeontologist who made some incredible discoveries! We tried fossil hunting for ourselves and studied them with the magnifying glasses. We even used our dinosaur books to help us identify which dinosaurs we had…

Big Write Nativity Dress Up Day
Today the children were invited to come into school dressed as a character from the story of the Nativity. As you can see, there was an array of different characters with unique costume ideas. The children then spent the morning exploring the Nativity story and looking at how Mary and Joseph may…

DT Day - Making Battery Operated Light
This week we are completing our Design and Technology term,y project, making battery operated lights. Today we have been exploring how lights have evolved over years, recapping how to use an electrical circuit with homemade switches and then designing our own ideas. There are some very interesting…
Finding the total
Year 2 have been working hard in Maths this week, adding together the prices of objects to find the total. They then had to find the correct coins and notes to pay for their items.

Fairy Tale Disaster
In Year 1 and 2 we have been reading the story ‘The Great Fairy Tale Disaster’. We will be writing our own innovated versions of the story and needed to gather ideas about what the Big Bad Wolf may do if he entered different fairy tales. We worked well in our groups, discussing our ideas and…

An Exciting Ethos Meeting!
Christmas came early for Ethos Council today as we had a very exciting parcel to unwrap. It was the Big Frieze by Emma Yarlett and as we unwrapped it, we quickly realised just how big the Big Frieze really is! Once we had unpackaged it our job was to decide where it should go, then we had the…
Paralympian Visit
On Monday, we had a visit from Stuart Robinson. He is an amazing athlete who competed as part of our Team GB rugby team. We took part in a mini circuit of exercises; it was great fun and exhausting at the same time.

Building builders!
We love reading so much in our class that we have run out of bookshelves!! Mrs Quayle went shopping at the weekend and bought more shelves but they needed putting together so some children volunteered to stay in at lunchtime today to put them together. We love our new shelves and a massive thank…

Paralympic Sports
As part of anti bullying week we had Andy Akers visit school today to show us some activities that can be played by athletes with disabilities. Then we were able to have a go for ourselves. The sports we played were goalball, boccia and kurling. We had great fun playing the sports and it also…
The Big Bad Wolf
Reception have been exploring the stories of The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. They have particularly enjoyed pretending to be the scary Big Bad Wolf! Some of the children have been making wolf masks in the continuous provision to use in their role play - they worked so hard and…