Arts Week

Image of Arts Week

What an amazing two days we've had! We've done so much, including:

  • a tutorial with Liz Pichon to create our own Tom Gates images;
  • exploring artwork by Bob and Roberta Smith;
  • watching AbracadOpera featuring the English National Opera and MC Grammar;
  • writing and performing our own raps…
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Arts Week

Image of Arts Week

This week we have had a very exciting Arts Week! 
We have created clay shells, explored musical instruments, developed our story telling skills, practised moving as different characters and experimented with different types of mark-making. 

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Rabbit Visit

Image of Rabbit Visit

As part of our Science topic about living things and their habitats, Cally and Comet came to visit us in the Infants! We learned about how rabbits are adapted to their habitats, such as having excellent claws for digging, and thought about which types of habitat would be suitable and unsuitable. 

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Can you guess our talents?

Image of Can you guess our talents?

In PSHE we have been finding out about being our best and talked today about our talents as well as recognising talents in other people. We mimed one of our talents for the rest of the class...take a look through our photos...can you guess what we're doing?


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Fruits of the Spirit

Image of Fruits of the Spirit

In RE, Year 1 and 2 have been learning about the Fruits of the Holy Spirit as part of their Pentecost unit. 
They created their own tree artwork to represent the Fruits - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness and self-control. 
We talked about why these gifts are so…

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Sharing into equal groups

Image of Sharing into equal groups

This morning, the Year One children have been developing their division skills! They have been practicing sharing counters into equal groups of 2, 5 and 10. We found that some of the numbers could not be shared into certain numbers of groups, because there were some counters left over! 

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Sports Leadership Afternoon

Image of Sports Leadership Afternoon

Today we had a visit from Anthony, who works with South Ribble Sports. We learned about leadership and how to create games and activities for our KS1 children. In addition to creating games, we thought about how to adapt them, making them easier, more difficult or adding a challenge, to ensure…

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Fairy Post

Image of Fairy Post

We’ve had some very exciting news in Reception this week - some fairies are visiting our classroom!
They have left us a sparkly post box so we can write letters for them and every morning when we have checked, the letters have gone and all that is left is some fairy dust! 
We’ve used our…

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Red Nose Day

Image of Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone for your kind donations towards Red Nose Day 2022. 

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Our plant investigation

Image of Our plant investigation

Our science topic this half term is plants! 
We have been planting seeds and bulbs and we are observing them closely to see how they change and grow over time. 
We also wanted to find the answer to the question ‘Do seeds need water to grow?’.

We planned an investigation and planted three sets…

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Spirituality and Prayer Day


Across the whole school we have had a spirituality and prayer day. We have thought about the Easter story. Starting with Palm Sunday, we thought about Jesus coming into Jerusalem and how he was a hero; this led on to us thinking about heroes we have. At the second station, we thought about…

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World Book Day 2022

Well what a day!

First of all, we arrived in class to discover our chairs had vanished and some sort of metal spirals had been left behind. We had to act as newspaper journalists to try to work out what had happened, including interviewing Mrs Sutton. 

Then we went to the hall where we met…

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