Chefs in training
We have been planning recipes with hero ingredients. Our class has been divided into 6 groups (two starters, two mains and two desserts). Each group has been given a hero ingredient: either a pepper, some salmon or some pineapple. We had to make sure this ingredient was the star of our recipe.…

How do different materials feel?
In the Infants we have been exploring how different materials feel and thinking of words to describe them. We worked with a partner, moving around to explore the materials and record adjectives at each station. Our challenge was to make sure the same word was not used more than once to describe…

Lostock Hall - Dodgeball Competition
We are so proud of our Y3/4 Dodgeball Team. They took part in the South Ribble Dodgeball Cluster Competition this week and came first! They worked hard during PE lessons to learn all the rules and played well in all their sets and worked well as a team.

Taste testing bolognese
We have been learning about healthy eating and where our food comes from. As part of this we have been taste testing different bolognese sauces, cheap and expensive. On the whole, as a class, we preferred the cheaper sauce.

Thinking about Truthfulness
This week, Y3/4 worked hard at home to create their ‘Truthfulness Trees’, linked to our Christian value this half term. We are so impressed with their imagination and creativity. They were asked to make or draw a tree with bare branches, then add leaves with words or phrases about what…

We're going on a number hunt!
In Reception this week we have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3!
We decided to go on a number hunt in our outdoor area.
We looked for numerals on the playground and thought about how we could use objects to represent the numbers.
It was amazing how many different ways we could find…

Performing Traditional Rhymes
In our English lessons this week, the Infants have been learning traditional rhymes!
We got into groups and learned different rhymes, creating actions to go with them.
Next we performed with our groups in front of the rest of the class in our outdoor space. We were so confident and worked…

Can the tallest person jump the furthest?
As part of our Science learning, Year 1 and Year 2 have been developing their working scientifically skills.
We wanted to find the answer to the question ‘Can the tallest person jump the furthest?’
We thought about how we could find out and planned our investigation - in groups, we got into…

Glockenspiel playing
Years 3 and 4 are having great fun with our whole class glockenspiel lessons. We’re learning lots of musical technique and trying really hard. Take a look at our expressions to see how hard we are concentrating!

Learning to Sew
In Year 1 and Year 2, we have been learning how to sew as part of our DT project! We had to thread our needles, which was very tricky but we persevered. Next, we practised a running stitch - we did a fabulous job and Miss Wallace was very proud of our hard work. We can’t wait to continue our…
Infant Author Visit
On Monday afternoon we welcomed local author Rachel Walmsley to the infant class. She shared her newest book with the class and led a workshop focusing on how to create interesting characters which included the children drawing an extra dog character for Spotty the Dog Walker.
The children had a…

Colour Run
Wow! What an amazing way to end a fantastic year. A massive thank you to FOSS for organising the Colour Run.
We wish you all a lovely summer and look forward to seeing you again in September.