Visit from a Paralympic Champion - Stuart Robinson
Today we have been lucky enough to have the Paralympic Champion, Stuart Robinson, visit our school and help us to complete a sponsored circuit challenge. We’ve had two weeks to prepare ourselves and collect sponsors before this event. The children worked incredibly hard under the instruction of…

Exploring Day and Night
This afternoon in Science, the children have been explaining how day time and night time occur on earth. We demonstrated how rays of light come from the sun and create light on the parts of earth which are facing the sun, and that the areas that are facing away are in darkness. The children have…
What a lot of fun we had designing our own model Sukkahs! We had to think really hard about how we could use natural materials and how we could create furniture and decorations. We decided that it must be fun building a real Sukkah and doing it would help you think carefully about the festival of…
Family Forest School
What an amazing afternoon we have had for our family forest school!
We were very excited to show our families what we get up to at forest school - we made bird feeders to hang in the trees, built fantastic dens using natural materials and made a bug hotel for all of the creepy crawlies. We…
The Infant class have been magnificent meteorologists this week! We looked at the weather for the previous week and talked about the temperatures and types of weather that had been recorded, then we used this to make our own weather forecast for the week ahead. We thought carefully about how the…

Designing Sukkahs
In Years 3 & 4 on Friday 22nd October we'll be designing and making our own model sukkahs as a final task in our RE lessons learning about the Jewish Sukkot. Children have been challenged to find a medium sized cereal /shoe box and some natural materials to decorate their sukkahs. They might also…
Infant Class Assembly
Today the Infant class held their first ever class assembly - we were so brave and confidently read our lines in front of all of our families and the rest of the school.
It was exciting to share all of the fabulous things we have been learning this half term, like writing letters to Supertato,…

Year 5/6 South Ribble Tag Rugby Tournament
What a way to kick start our team tournaments for 2021/2022 with a wet and windy rugby event! Having had a few years away from external tournaments, we were set ready to go. The children had been working hard over the last few weeks, practising their rugby skills and building up team spirit. We…

Busy Bees on Spelling Shed
In year 3/4 we are working hard using Spelling Shed. This is new for us and is helping the children to practise and learn their spellings using games and challenges. The children love it! We can almost hear them “buzzing” whilst they use it, just like the bees in the games.

Investigating electrical circuits
In Year 3/4 today the children have been exploring what an electric circuit is and how to make one. To challenge their scientific minds, the children have been predicting if different drawings of circuits will make a bulb light up. The children had to think carefully about what they already knew…
Bible Detectives
We have been finding our way around the Bible to see what it has to teach us about Harvest.
Our favourite passage as a class was from Genesis 8:22,
“As long as the earth continues,
There will be planting and harvest.
Cold and hot,
summer and winter,
Day and night
will not…
Baby Poppy's Baptism
The infants celebrated a very special occasion in church today - Baby Poppy was baptised!
Reverend Karen kindly came in to show us what happens during a baptism. Our Year 2 children acted as the parents and godparents, making promises to help guide Baby Poppy as part of God's family.
What a…