Reception's Rumble in the Jungle
Reception have been creating their own actions to the poems in Rumble in the Jungle! Our favourite animal poem was the gorilla, who was very strong. They were very brave and performed their poems in front of the rest of the class - well done, Reception!

SCARF visit
Today we had a visit from SCARF. We learned about things we need, not only to survive physically but also to keep us mentally healthy. She told us about the physical effects cigarettes and alcohol can have on our bodies, but we should not feel pressured to use them—it’s our choice—but it is…

Performance Poetry
At the beginning of this week, in our English, the children have started looking at a piece of poetry linked to the theme ‘Animals’. We have been reading a poem based on the musical story ‘Peter and the Wolf’. The children have spent time learning how to perform this poem using lots of expression…

Earth Day
On Earth Day we found out about how we could change our lifestyles to help repair the earth and make a difference to reduce climate change. We made model houses and on them wrote an action we could take to make a difference. We found out about renewable energy such as wind turbines, then made our…
The Lorax
We have been celebrating Earth Day (22nd April) in the Infant Class!
We watched a performance of Dr Seuss's 'The Lorax', streamed from The Old Vic Theatre in London - it was fantastic! It made us think of the importance of looking after the planet and how we can make positive changes to be…

PE Teamwork Task and Skills
This term in PE we have been developing our teamwork skills through different challenges.
Week 1: Yesterday, we were ‘Sheep and Shepherds’. The children’s challenge was to work together to help move the ‘sheep’ into a pen. To create further challenge, our ‘sheep’ were blindfolded and the…
We have been exploring instruction writing in English this week. Mrs Quayle started by giving us all instructions to make a 'Thing-a-me' which led to us making some very strange creations because the instructions were so badly written! Thankfully, we have since followed some well written…
All things Scandinavian
It has been so great seeing everyone back in school! In Geography, we have been learning about the different Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden and Denmark). In order to find out a plethora of interesting facts, we had a scavenger hunt. Miss Webster hid fact cards outside; we had to find the…
February Update
We continue to be super impressed with the way all the children in Years 3 and 4 have accessed their learning through February, whether they were joining us through live classes at home or were physically in the classroom. We want to say a massive well done to all the children and a big thank you…
February 2021 Update
It’s been another busy month in the Infants - everyone has worked hard and continued to show a wonderfully positive attitude to learning at school and at home.
Reception continued their work on traditional tales, predicting what type of plant might grow from a mysterious magical bean and…

January Update
Wow! What a strange start to 2021, but we are so proud of how well the children have settled into their new way of learning. We've tried to stick as closely as possible to what we would have done with the children if they had been in school this term and it's great that we're able to deliver live…
January 2021 Update
January has been a very busy month for us in the Infant class, and we've had to adapt to a new way of working with everyone at home!
In English, we have been exploring traditional tales, creating our own stories based on The Elves and the Toymaker. Our Reception children have been super…