The Iron Man
During the final two weeks of this half-term we're listening to The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and linking our work to this brilliant story. Have a look at our photos to see some of things we've been doing.
Hop, Skip and a Jump
The Infant Class have been working hard at home on our new topic 'Hop, Skip and a Jump'.
Our focus this half term is around the topic of animals - we have been exploring the story of the Gruffalo, learning about different types of farms and investigating how we can group and sort different…
Reading Challenge
We had such a fantastic time on World Book Day we decided we wanted the fun to continue so set classes reading challenges with a difference, such as:
- read whilst wearing something silly
- read in an unusual place
- read to your pet or teddy bear
- read aloud in a funny voice
- read a recipe…
Amazing Robots
Wow! We are so amazed with how fantastically the children in Years 3 & 4 have risen to home learning!
We set 'Robots' as a theme for the first three weeks and sent home ideas of things the children could do, all linked to a short film in English called 'Girl and Robot'. Lots of children have…
Should we keep our new school robot?
Today's English challenge was...
Imagine when we return to school we have a new school robot.
Make a list of the things the robot could do better than humans in school can do. Make a second list of things humans in school could do better than a robot.
Persuade us to keep or get rid of…
Alston Observatory
The children have had a fantastic morning at Alston Observatory. Amar and Simon, who are PHD and Doctorate students had the class so enthused about space that they used Google Moon as soon as we returned to school.
Amar gave a fantastic presentation about the start of the universe, how stars…
Magistrates Workshop
The children were visited by three local Magistrates, who came to guide the children through our criminal justice system and what happens in a court room. They gave a presentation about the work of a Magistrate - the children were shocked that Magistrates do not get paid for their service. This…
D&T Day - Mayan Masks
To end a fantastic week of academic work and testing (SATs), our class had a great design and technology day creating Mayan Masks. The children researched and sketched their own designs; cut out a card template; stuck this to a balloon and then used Pop Bandages to create a hard plaster cast. Once…

Year 6 SATs
Well done to all of our wonderful Year 6s.
They have worked extremely hard in preparation for their SATs. Each and everyone of them has persevered with tricky questions, shown positive attitudes and remained calm under pressure. We couldn't be prouder of them!
Happy New Year!
It's been a great start to the new year. The children have returned to school full of enthusiasm and ready for the new term; as have all the staff!
It was fantastic to have over 20 children in the football/sports club on Tuesday after school this week. Nearly a third of the school is…
Christmas Art Day
What a fabulous start to the Christmas season we've had today. All the children have produced many different types of art, from cookie dough tree decorations and stained glass windows to winter art in the style of Mondrian. Thank you to all the parents who came in today to help and support. You…
16th November 2018
This week we've had a team of Key Stage 2 pupils attend a netball development event at Lostock Hall Academy on Monday evening after school. It was two hours of skill development followed by short practice matches. All the children had a great time and as always were amazing ambassadors for school.…